Every minute and dollar invested in exercise may save you from having to spend it on injury or illness. It may be the best return on investment you'll ever be guaranteed!
The Progressive Independence™ personal training model guides successful exercise skill development and habit formation. Accountability and motivation, structure and knowledge - take control of your health and enhance your quality of life!
Personal Services
Medical Fitness Evaluation
Gather the data and make a plan!
muscular strength and endurance,
neuromotor and cognitive function,
body composition, and
lifestyle goals.
Titleist Performance Institute Golf Screening
Fine tune your game like the Pros!
Take your game to the next level and gain the competitive edge with the TPI Pro app's mobility screen. This evaluation will give you expert information directly related to your individual swing characteristics, biomechanics of the Body-Swing Connection, and the associated musculoskeletal health and fitness needs to improve longevity. Play more. Play better. Hurt less!
Self-myofascial Release Techniques
Learn to reduce and eliminate aches and pains!
Self-myofascial release (SMR) should be used to restore the health of damaged and overly stressed tissues. We have to address rather than avoid chronic pains from arthritic joints, hyperactive, tight tissues just as we need to address acute injury, scar tissues and adhesions. The healing and restoration process does not end at physical therapy; in fact, learning to treat soft tissue issues with SMR needs to be built into everyone's tool kit for both restorative and preventative healthcare. Take back control of your wellbeing from the pain!
Small Group Training
Need that individualized attention to detail?
This semi-private, small group personal training program combines the best aspects of the fun group environment and accountability with the customizable exercise guidance, supervision, and recommendations of individual fitness coaching. Become part of something you won't compromise!
Large Group Training
Because sometimes it takes a village...
I've included my best strategies into this comprehensive exercise program to ensure that in just two sessions per week we'll be covering all the bases for cardiorespiratory health, musculoskeletal strength and endurance, flexibility, and neuromotor performance. Find your tribe!
Health Fitness Professional Consulting (for exercise professionals)
Join me in the mission to serve others!
Get expert guidance on your path to becoming a health and fitness professionals. Since 2010 I've helped develop professionals in various settings of the exercise industry. Glean strategies for preparing for a personal training or specialist certification, learning how to build a clientele base and profitable business, managing a fitness program or department, working with special populations, connecting with doctors and building a clinical network... use my career experience to jumpstart your journey and make a healthy impact on the lives of those you work with (and your own)!
Personal Training
Since 2008 I've been refining my skills as a personal trainer and health performance coach with a knack for lifespan behavioral development. I've challenged myself to pursue a diverse experiential base in the clinical health, general fitness, and athletic performance branches of the exercise industry. Professionally, I've acquired and maintain the highest levels of formal education and certifications. Personally, I built a skillset and active lifestyle that will allow me to keep helping others find their paths to fulfilment with movement until my final day on this earth.
The skillsets and knowledgebases that set me apart from others in the field are:
Patience and empathy to move at effective but tolerable and safe paces.
Mastery of human movement (kinesiology) and exercise science.
Credentials, experience, and qualifications to work together with your medical professional team post illness or injury.
Cardio-circulatory and -respiratory, musculoskeletal, endocrine, and bioenergetic health & fitness.
Neuromotor development, mind-body coordination, and skill acquisition (motor learning).
A keen eye and coaching skills for the geometrics and physics of human movement (biomechanics).
Proficiency in the evaluation and analysis of individual exercise testing and prescription.
Clarity of action plans that incorporate sport psychology models, self-development, and accountability.
Intuition for motivating people, setting a positive environment, and building community support system.
Considerations of exercise for lifestyle goals and the state of mind needed to pursue and enjoy life relentlessly!